How to Apply

The General Surgery Residency Program at Cooper University Hospital participates in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), and all information is processed through this system without exception. Information regarding the ERAS application process and timeline is available on the websites listed below. All positions will be offered through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP); participation with NRMP is required.

Association of American Medical Colleges

ERAS applications must contain the following information in order for your application to be considered:

  • Common application form
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Medical school transcript
  • Two original letters of recommendation (minimum)
  • Dean’s letter
  • Personal statement describing your training goals and future career plans
  • ECFMG certification (IMG only)

The program director and additional faculty members will review applicant files. Invitation for interview will be based upon their recommendations. No supplemental application required for 2024/2025 cycle.

Program Eligibility

Eligibility for the General Surgery Residency Program requires graduation from an accredited medical school. Individuals accepted for a position in the program must be U.S. citizen, classified as a resident alien, or hold a J -1 visa.

The application deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is December 1, 2023.