The Cooper Pathology Residency Program wants to optimally support trainee wellness in all forms.
Our Goals
- Enhance the meaning of being a physician, protect time with patients, minimize non-physician obligations, provide administrative support, provide progressive autonomy, and enhance professional relationships
- Fatigue and burn-out mitigation
- Mentor and faculty support in assessing trainee wellness
Our annual recurring wellness activities include:
- Two wellness days each academic year
- Coffee with chair/vice-chair every month
- Holiday party
- Summer barbecue
- Social outing to a local restaurant once a year
Wellness support at the institution level:
- Wellness Committee: Dedicated to providing resources and organize activities to help trainees stay physically and emotionally healthy, as well as develop good habits for the future
- Carebridge behavioral health resources: 1-800-437-0911
- CUHC Employee Assistance Program
- Thrive 365
- New-Innovations
- The Event and Activity Reported System (EARS)
- Wellness resources by College of American Pathologists
Please visit this page for more information regarding wellness at Cooper University Health Care.